PennDel Chapter
The 9th and youngest chapter of the B. W. Harris Alumni Association-USA, Inc., was chartered on October 2, 2010. It encompasses the states of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Northern Maryland and Southern New Jersey.
Current Officers:
Berma Findley President
Hawa Kamara 1st Vice President
Thelma A. Y. Collins Treasurer & Financial Secretary
Vacant Secretary
Juliana North Boyd Chaplain
Charles A. Coleman Executive Board Representative
Victoria Ogama Benson Coleman Executive Board Representative
Past Presidents, Highlights & Historical Milestones:
- Alfred Y. K. Major [Oct 2010-2012]
~ 2010, October 2, PennDel was chartered as the 9th chapter of the B. W. Harris Alumni
School Alumni Association-USA, Inc.
~ 2011, August 13, PennDel hosted the association’s 1st Flag Day Soccer Tournament & Queen
Contest Fundraisers.
- Thomas H. Grant [Jan 2013 – Nov 2014]
~ 2013, July 5-7, PennDel hosted the 21st Annual Convention.
~ 2014, May 3rd, PennDel hosted its first Major Annual Program, the Cllr. Cyril Jones Honoring
Program. PennDel was the first chapter with an annual program named in honor of a graduate
of B. W. Harris Episcopal School.
Maesah D. Nelson [Nov 2014 - Dec 2018]