The Convention
The Convention is the highest constitutional, legislative, policy-making and decision-making body of the B. W. Harris Episcopal School Alumni Association-USA, Inc.
Decisions of the Convention shall be made by a simple majority vote.
The Convention shall meet once a year, and shall constitute the deliberative body of the Association for making and reviewing policies, receiving financial and other reports, reviewing and approving budgets, and amending the Constitution and Bylaws from time to time.
The Convention shall establish a budget for the ensuing fiscal year, define annual goals and objectives of the Association, establish annual assessments of Chapters, annual dues of members, and annual Convention registration fees.
The Convention shall hold elections for National Officers once every two (2) years.
The Convention shall hold a major fund-raising program annually.
All members of the B. W. Harris Episcopal School Alumni Association-USA, Inc., as defined in this Constitution and Bylaws, who are in good financial standing, as defined in this Constitution and Bylaws, shall be considered delegates to the Convention and have full voice and voting status. Voting for National Officers of the Association at the Convention shall be by secret ballot. Only members physically present at the Convention and in good financial standing as defined in this Constitution and Bylaws shall vote at Convention.
The National Chair of the Association shall preside over the Convention. The National Officers shall serve as Officers of the Convention.
The costs of hosting Convention shall be borne by the Chapter serving as the host of the Convention. However, as approved by the Executive Board, the National Association shall provide a specific amount each year, as a subsidy to the host Chapter to assist in defraying the costs of hosting the Convention. In the event, a host Chapter fails or is unable to meet its annual assessment payment to the National Association in the year prior to hosting the Convention, the Executive Board shall deduct the unpaid amount of the assessment from the subsidy payable to the hosting Chapter.