B. W. Harris Episcopal School Alumni Association-USA, Inc. Committees
Association’s Committees
The two committee of the Association mandated by the Constitution are the Audit Committee and Financial Control Board. Except for these two committees, all other committees have been established by the National Chair under authority granted by the Constitution to achieve the objectives of the Association and to carry out functions for the benefit of the Association. The National Chair is authorized to define the terms of reference of committees, and to appoint chairs and members to committee positions or can delegate to the chair of a committee the authority to appoint other members of the committee. The National Chair can set up rules as he or she deems appropriate for committees, and can reorganize or dissolve any committee at his or her discretion.
Members of committees not required by the Constitution are appointed by the National Chair for the term of office of the National Chair, or until the National Chair shall change the composition of committees during his or her term of office.
Accordingly, all committees are required to hold meetings at least every 60 days (two months). Committees may hold meetings more frequently if they need to. The chair of each committee is required to inform the National Chair in writing of the reason if a committee does not hold a meeting at least every two months. If Minutes of meeting are generated or where other documentation of a committee activities are developed, please forward them to the Assistant National Secretary for placement on DAIS.
Academic & Scholarship Committee
The Academic & Scholarship Committee has two major interconnected functions. The Committee is charged with the responsibility of advising the Association on the various facets of raising the academic standards and achievements of B. W. Harris School. The Committee will propose to the National Officers for their consideration, the Association’s academic budget, curriculum revision and development, academic program planning, teacher training and development, and academic standards. The Committee will carry out its duties in close collaboration and coordination with the principal of B. W. Harris School.
The Academic & Scholarship Committee is also responsible for administering the Rev. Fr. E. G. W. King, Jr. Scholarship Program of the Association. In this regard, the Committee is responsible for identifying, screening, processing and recommending suitable candidates to the National Chair to be scholarship recipients for each academic year.
Benevolence Committee
The mission of the Benevolence Committee is to extend understanding, sympathy, prayers, support, and services to members of the Association who are ill, lose loved ones or to the family of a deceased alumnus/alumna. All public actions of the Benevolence Committee must be done in consultation and with the consent of the family. The Benevolence Committee, as appropriate, will conduct or arrange family visitation, and also as appropriate, consult with family surrounding the role if any, of the Association's participation (Chapter and/or National) in the wake keeping, funeral service or repast. The Benevolence Committee, with the specific permission of the family, will disseminate information about the death and funeral arrangements.
Convention Committee:
The Convention Committee is charged with the responsibility of working closely with the host chapter to plan the annual Convention. The Committee works with the host chapter to gather and share information, to provide guidance based on experience from prior Conventions, and to encourage the participation and support of the membership for the Convention. The host chapter is responsible for local arrangements, convention sites, and financing of the Convention. Areas of focus of the Convention Committee working with the host chapter will cover: program, budget (income and expenditure), registration, souvenirs, and logistics (locations, food and beverage).
Convention PR Committee
The Convention PR Committee is responsible for the publicity and public relations of the Convention. The Convention PR Committee will employ various media and forums to promote and publicize the Convention, including the use of social media and networks. One of the areas of focus of the Convention PR Committee will be to also promote the Convention outside the alumni of B. W. Harris Episcopal School.
Capital Campaign Committee
The major responsibility of the Capital Campaign Committee is to raise money to assist with meeting the Association’s present goals and helping to secure its future financial viability. The Capital Campaign Committee responds to potential donors who want to know about donations to the Association and what donation incentives are available. One of the duties of the Committee is engage in the execution of all aspects of the annual Capital Campaign, including marketing, personal solicitation and acknowledgement. The Committee must communicate clearly and persuasively in both oral and written formats in order to convince members and supporters to contribute to the Association.
Infrastructure Development Task Force
The Infrastructure Development Task Force is a specialized and dedicated arm of the Capital Campaign Committee committed to raising $200,000.00 over four years to fund the design and construction of additional space at the school. The prospective additional space would host a conference room, training rooms, additional class rooms, a modern computer room, a digital library and additional office space, all of which will be planned collaboratively with the Bishop of the Episcopal Church of Liberia, the Board of Trustees and the administration of B. W. Harris.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee has two primary functions: (1) recruit alumni to become active members and (2) maintain outreach to existing members. The Committee is responsible for identifying non-active alumni and bringing them into active membership by getting involved in the Association and Chapters. The Committee is also responsible for reaching out to existing members and working with Chapters to retain members. Areas of focus of the Membership Committee include marketing the benefits of membership and raising awareness of the value of membership in the Association.
Public Relations Committee and Newsletter Team
The Public Relations Committee shall be responsible for gathering and providing information to our members and the public, and shall be responsible for promoting BWHESAA-USA, Inc. and its chapters. The PR Committee will serve as the promotional/information/communications resource for BWHESAA-USA, Inc., and will draft and issue public relations and benevolence announcements under the direction and supervision of the National Chair. The PR Committee will also work closely with the various chapters to promote and provide timely information about the various events and activities of chapters.
The Newsletter Team is responsible for producing timely and informative two issues of the newsletters (March and September) that report on Association activities and feature articles of interest to readers. The committee shall solicit and follow up on article ideas from Association members, chapters and classes, as well as design, layout and produce the newsletter.
Smart Tech Committee
The Smart Tech Committee is the forum for reviewing, evaluating, planning and recommending strategies, plans, and policies for information technology at B. W. Harris. The specific elements of the Committee's charges include:
- Identifying strategic directions, capabilities, and objectives for B. W. Harris information technology support, including learning technologies for students.
- Identifying opportunities where information technology can help achieve the Association’s goals and recommend priorities.
- Ensuring a coordinated implementation of Association’s technology projects and initiatives.
The Committee will carry out its duties in close collaboration and coordination with the principal of B. W. Harris School.
Sports Committee
The mission of the Sports Committee is to plan, organize, promote and implement all sporting activities during Convention, and to facilitate sporting contests outside the Association, such as with other alumni ssociations and organizations.
Website Committee
The purpose of the Association’s website is to enhance communication by and with members of the Association, by providing open access to timely, accurate and useful information about the B. W. Harris Episcopal School Alumni Association-USA, Inc. The Website Committee is responsible for designing and developing a publicly accessible website that includes information that is important and useful to Alumni and other interested parties. The Committee must act to ensure that the website has the capacity to provide electronic access to forms and documents, including agendas, minutes, budgets and reports; news; and meeting schedules. The website will also provide Information about Chapter and National Association events are for the benefit of members.